I wanted to leave the notes from something I shared in church today. Keep in mind these are notes, so they may not seem entirely thorough or complete, but I hope you will be blessed nevertheless :-)
32Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven.
33For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."
34"Sir," they said, "from now on give us this bread.35Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
48 I am the bread of life.
49Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they died.
50But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which a man may eat and not die.
51I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."
John 6:32-35,48-51
- In this scripture Jesus says that he is that manna from heaven. In other words, he is our provision.
- We know when the Israelites came out of Egypt, the Lord gave them manna from heaven each morning while they were in the desert, and they were to keep none overnight as a test of their trust in the Lord.
- In this scripture, he says that he who comes to him will never go hungry, and he who believes will never thirst.
- That word believe means to have faith in, to rely on, and to be persuaded or convinced.
- The crowd in this scripture was not convinced that Jesus is who he said he is. They even asked for a sign from him.
- But he says he is the manna from heaven, and we must believe that he is who he says he is.
- The word comes is interesting in this scripture.
- In its Greek form, it is only used in present and imperfect tense, meaning that is an action that is never completed and is continual.
- This means that we must come to God on a regular basis. Coming to him once and never again does not qualify us in this scripture.
- Proverbs 3:5 tells us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and to lean not to our own understanding.
- We must recognize that God is our provider and that all sufficiency is in Him!
7To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.
8Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me.
9But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
- Paul could have put his confidence in the knowledge that he had, but the Lord assured him that there was a greater confidence in Himself.
- Paul says he will boast in weakness so that Christ’s power will rest on him.
- That word rest means to tent upon, to abide with, to occupy, and to encampThe Lord desires form a tent around us, to occupy, and protect us, and when we trust in Him, we see that at work.
- But we cannot trust in ourselves or rely heavily on this world and its systems. Sometimes to protect ourselves, we develop a reliance on other things.
- In some cases, our reliance on other things competes with God’s will, and we give them space to become idols. (money, jobs, degrees, food, sex, relationships)
- I charge you all to relinquish every ungodly reliance and allow Christ’s strength to be made perfect in you.
5Their mother has been unfaithful and has conceived them in disgrace. She said, 'I will go after my lovers, who give me my food and my water, my wool and my linen, my oil and my drink.'
6Therefore I will block her path with thornbushes; I will wall her in so that she cannot find her way.
7She will chase after her lovers but not catch them; she will look for them but not find them. Then she will say, 'I will go back to my husband as at first, for then I was better off than now.'
8She has not acknowledged that I was the one who gave her the grain, the new wine and oil, who lavished on her the silver and gold-- which they used for Baal.
Jump down to 2:14.
After the Lord talks about all the things he will do to correct Israel, he goes on to say:
14"Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her.
15There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt.
16"In that day," declares the Lord, "you will call me 'my husband'; you will no longer call me 'my master.
17I will remove the names of the Baals from her lips; no longer will their names be invoked.
18In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the creatures that move along the ground. Bow and sword and battle I will abolish from the land, so that all may lie down in safety.
19I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion.
20I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the Lord.
The Lord desires to provide for us as his bride. Saul sought out answers elsewhere, and the answer was right there with the Lord. All of Israel sought out satisfaction and answers elsewhere, when all the while the Lord was and still is the answer. I pray that we would all be persuaded and fully convinced that Jesus is the answer, that He is that manna from heaven and that He is enough!
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